We ask you to register with this site so you can:
Your personal information is used to automatically fill in personal details on the forms on this site. Any form on the site may ask for personal details such as your name and address - just update your personal details once and they'll be filled in for you.
Your email address may be used to contact you and also to send password reminders if you have forgotten your password.
Your password is encrypted for security reasons and is not visible to anybody other than you.
Your address and phone number may be used to contact you in some cases. We also use your address to give you information about your house such as bin collection dates, and to provide geographical information like where your nearest facilities are.
Your date of birth helps to decide which services we can offer you. Some services can't legally be accessed by anybody under 13.
You can manage different types of account on Digital Kirklees. Each of them requires different information from you. We ask for this so we can confirm that the account is yours. This is what we ask for:
Unless specifically indicated, the data you provide on this site will not be shared with anybody other than Kirklees Council.
If the data you enter onto a form may be shared with other parties we will tell you this before you fill in the form. We will tell you who the data may be shared with and will ask you for consent to share it.
You can ask to delete information (right to be forgotten).
You can request a removal of your My Kirklees Account, or individual accounts linked to your My Kirklees Account such as; Council Tax, Benefits or Rent.
To remove an individual account linked to your My Kirklees Account you can fill in the My Accounts - remove an account form. Once you have removed this account you will no longer see it inside your My Kirklees Account.
To request a removal of your My Kirklees Account, you can fill in an Exercise your rights under General Data Protection Regulation form. You will need to select the 'Subject Erasure Request' tick box on the 'Type of request' tab. You can then select My Kirklees Account from the list of areas.
The data controller for this website, Kirklees Council, has published information about how it will use personal information, including a privacy notice. See How we use your data